Working with the Paths of Least and Most Resistance

June 14-15, 2025

A weekend immersion with Desirée Rumbaugh and Andrew Rivin

softness & strength.

It is a well-known fact that life will always be offering us challenges. It is up to us to decide whether to accept things as they are, or find a way to change. As yoga practitioners, we actively invite this choice every time we step on our mat. There are times when we need to know how to let go and soften into the moment, and there are also times when we need to engage with more strength to adjust our own habits and behaviors that may not be in our best interest. This is a never ending dance and it’s also part of the magic that the Yoga practice offers for our mind and body.

meet the teachers.

Desirée and Andrew each have 40 years of yoga experience to share with us in this workshop. In addition to being a certified yoga teacher, Andrew is also an executive leadership coach, working with founders of corporations worldwide. Long time students of both Iyengar and Anusara yoga, they have done the work and have been learning the lessons for decades. In this workshop they will share from their hard-earned wisdom both on and off the mat. They incorporate concepts they have learned from physical therapy, weight training and yoga to offer an inspiring and well-rounded modern approach to the ancient practice of Yoga.

what to expect.

  • Practices you can do every day to increase your own deep core strength and resilience

  • Answers to your questions such as “why does this pose cause me pain?”

  • The key to better balance, both on and off the mat

  • How can this practice bring you more peace of mind out in the “real” world

  • Better aligned mind/body awareness and connection to yourself



10:30-13:00  The Healthy Flexible Spine: Backbends

15:00-17:30  Freedom in Your Hips and Lower Back:  Hip Openers and Hamstrings


10:30-13:00  Neck and Shoulder Strength and Flexibility: Backbends and Simple Inversions

15:00-17:30  Side to Side and Revolving to Grow: Twists of All Kinds

fee & registration.

Course fee: 280€ regulär | 250 Early Bird bis 31.1.2025 oder 10. Matte

To sign up, download the registration form and send the completed form via email to